Top Five Manufacturing Myths

Top Five Manufacturing Myths

As an entrepreneur, you have a lot of big decisions to make. One of the most important ones relates to manufacturing. Finding a manufacturer you can work with, at rates you can afford and a delivery time-table you can agree with, can be challenging. In fact, it is one of the biggest reasons why nearly 84 percent of all Kickstarter projects are late. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about the manufacturing process, which can make it even harder for new start-ups to find ways to bring their products to life. Learn more about the process and the reality behind those misconceptions to ensure you reach your production goals.

Myth #1: Quality Manufacturing isn’t Important

A common myth says that finding quality manufacturing shouldn’t be a priority. Instead, it’s perfectly acceptable to take shortcuts in this area, diverting finances and effort into other aspects of your business, like marketing. Proponents of this myth feel that going with the cheapest and easiest route is best, as it saves them time. In reality, blindly following this myth leads to products that routinely fail QC testing. As a result, you need to spend more time and money later on down the road dealing with subpar products or being forced to find an alternate manufacturer.

You should make sure you set aside enough time to properly research your manufacturing options. This is a necessary step you have to take if you want a product that meets corporate expectations.

Myth #2: You Cannot Manufacture a Product Affordably in Asia

Another very common manufacturing myth holds that Asian markets are unwelcoming to foreign companies. Those who repeat this myth often say that the process is prohibitively expensive or that the resulting products fail to meet quality control standards. In reality, even with the tariffs currently in place by the American government, you can still save money by opting to have your product manufactured in Asia. This approach gives you a product that is affordable for your market without sacrificing any quality.

Along the same lines, it is also important look at the big picture when it comes to your manufacturing needs. Sticking with the same manufacturer for your product’s entire lifespan carries several benefits, including being easier, more reliable, and more affordable for you. These tariffs currently in place are not likely going to last very long. If this administration upholds them, you can be pretty sure that any change in political power will see their removal.

Myth #3: Outsourcing is Only Affordable for Large Companies

Many smaller start-ups believe that they cannot reasonably afford to outsource the manufacturing process to companies overseas. They feel that this option is only available to big companies with large-scale product runs and even bigger budgets. The reality is that there are tons of small-scale manufacturers overseas eager to work with start-ups of all types, especially those with modest product runs. These companies are eager to help you meet your needs, whatever they may be. All you need to do is find them.

If you are struggling with the idea of outsourcing, particularly if you have concerns about your product run or budget, reach out to a manufacturing consulting firm. Consultants can help connect you with affordable manufacturers you can trust, taking a lot of uncertainty out of the equation, making sure you find a company who can meet your expectations in terms of product quality.

Myth #4: Outsourcing Affects Quality

While it is true that blindly outsourcing without doing your research can result in a poorly produced product, taking the time to focus on this area ensures you find a reputable company. If you are unfamiliar with the manufacturing process, spend some time learning more. You should also thoroughly investigate the manufacture you plan to work with, as you would any contractor your company hires.

If you don’t have the time or the inclination to familiarize yourself with the process, consider hiring a manufacturing consulting firm instead. They can help you with this aspect of outsourcing, working with you to determine what your needs are and matching you with a company who can meet them. This is an ideal step to take if you are worried about outsourcing and quality but lack the time to be heavily involved in the process.

Myth #5: Foreign Manufacturers Cannot Meet Your Needs

There are some start-ups that believe their needs are so unique, no offshore manufacturer can meet them. Thankfully, this myth is completely false. Numerous companies based in Asia have facilities that can meet your needs, no matter what they are.

Buying into these manufacturing myths can create lengthy delays and increase your budget. Instead, learn the reality behind them, so you can make fully informed decisions about your manufacturing needs. Consider investing in a manufacturing consulting firm to help walk you through the process.

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Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


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